The scarf at all times was the personification of purity, modesty and morality. It is a piece of cloth of rectangular, square or triangular shape, which can be tied on the head, neck, or put on the shoulders. The history of its appearance dates back to two thousand years, but to this day this accessory remains an integral part of the wardrobe of a modern person. It is believed that the prototype of the modern headscarf appeared in the Stone Age, when people protected the head and neck from bad weather with a simple piece of material. It is believed that scarves appeared in China, but they were popular in ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire.
The first to wear scarves were warriors from ancient China and Rome. Roman legionnaires wrapped a piece of cloth around their necks during their hikes, and they did this in order to protect themselves from wind and weather. Archaeologists discovered the manuscripts of the history of ancient Egypt, where it was mentioned about a quadrangular piece of matter, which was put on the shoulders and served as a symbol of the social status of the person who carried it. Mention of this headdress was also contained in the texts of the New Testament. It was used to cover the head and wipe sweat from the face.
In the era of early Christianity, a headscarf was an integral part of women's wardrobe. Mention of it can be read in the history of France. It is believed that the French king Louis 14 became the trendsetter on the wearing of a scarf. He borrowed this method of tying the fabric around his neck from the Croats, who were invited to the royal court.
The history of the Russian headscarf has its roots in the 12th century, the predecessor of which was the "ubrus", a decorated white linen towel. It was decorated with embroidery and lace. The first scarf appeared in the 17th century.
From the second half of the 19th century, calico, brocade, downy and silk printed scarves came into fashion. In Russia, only married women covered their heads with this headdress, the girl had no right to wear it. Orenburg scarves from goat wool became a special heritage of Russian culture. They were even known abroad. They appeared at the end of the 17th century, and at 19th all of Europe knew about them.
Modern scarves are very beautiful and luxurious. By right, this piece of clothing is a universal accessory, thanks to which you can always look different. It can be a part of casual clothing, and elegant accessory. It is often used not only as a fashion accessory, but also as an element of one's own unique style.